On April 11th, the Association of Caledonia Trailbuilders (ACT) held our annual general meeting (AGM) at the OverHANG climbing gym in Prince George. Twenty three members joined the ACT executive to receive a comprehensive update, review financial statements, and elect officers for another year of operation.
Annual general meetings are an important function of societies and non-profit organizations because they provide open access for members to participate in our protocols. AGMs also enable a layer of transparency on the fiscal and operational components of ACT. Essentially, these meetings identify our strategic goals; demonstrate our funding sources; and describe how we will disburse those resources throughout the year.
Another integral process of societies which occurs at AGMs is the election of officers. Currently, ACT is steered by the following positions:
Trails Director
Maintenance Director
Tabor Mountain Recreation Society Representative
Director at-large (2)
During the 2024 AGM, two brand-new officers were elected to the organization.

Matt Brown has assumed the role of Treasurer for 2024. Matt is an owner of DMC Chartered Professional Accountants. He is a proud alumnus of the UNBC where he earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1998.
Matt is has served as director and Treasurer in many organizations including the Prince George Cycling Club, Pisces Summer Swim Club, IC School council, and Immaculate Conception Church Finance committee.
Matt and his family are long time cyclists enjoying both Road and Mountain biking. Some of Matt’s first races in the 90s were the Gut Buster event on Tabor mountain. He is excited to contribute to the continue development of the Tabor Trail network.
Neil Hodgson
Neil has stepped-in as a director at-large. Neil is the manager of our local bike shop CycleLogic, this is primarily to fund his addiction for messing about on bikes, but also so he can talk about bikes all day!
He has been competitively riding bikes for the last 13 years, mostly road, and XC, lately gravel. He is a local leader in organizing rides and races and pretty much bleeds brake fluid after a crash!
Hubert Robichaud has also moved into the newly created role of Maintenance Director. In a relatively short period of time, ACT has constructed enough trails to warrant oversight of their condition and maintenance throughout the year. Hubert will be responsible for inspecting trails on a regular basis and addressing maintenance issues during build days. We also hope that trail users can communicate their concerns directly to Hubert or through the Trailforks reporting tool.
ACT is proud to see such active attendance and participation of our members. This year's AGM signals the start of another exciting season. With that, w can't wait for the rest of the snow to melt!